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PRISMA Festival Volunteer SignUp

Welcome to Signup for PRISMA volunteers! Take a moment to browse our volunteer opportunities and please don't hesitate to email us at volunteer@prismafestival.com if you have any questions. 

Why volunteer with PRISMA?

PRISMA offers so many benefits, least of which is community involvement. Volunteering with PRISMA is a great way to get to know other locals with the same interests and hobbies, to branch out of your comfort zone, and to immerse yourself in a world-class orchestral summer music festival. Over the Festival, you'll get to meet renowned guest artists and budding musical students, rub shoulders with the PRISMA crew, and snag a few perks along the way!

What should you wear? 

We want PRISMA to feel like a special occasion for patrons. If you're volunteering at any events, we ask that you dress in business casual, dark colours, and wear your PRISMA Volunteer T-shirt to be easily identifiable. If you'd like to wear a nice cardigan, shawl or sport jacket over the T-shirt, that's totally fine!

All Volunteers Get: 

  • Free access to any concerts you volunteer at
  • A free PRISMA concert ticket for every 4 hours of non-concert volunteering
  • A free PRISMA Volunteer T-shirt
  • An invitation to our wrap-up party 
  • Our unwavering gratitude!

Thank you for supporting PRISMA. We look forward to working with you!

PRISMA Festival Volunteer SignUp

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: