
Election Day Potluck

November 5th is the U.S. Presidential Election

It's a presidential election year – sure, we're all caught up in the Democrat versus Republican dynamic, but hey, let's not forget the ultimate party vibe! How about throwing a potluck dinner bash to watch the election results unfold? Round up your crew for a night of camaraderie, whether you're cheering or consoling each other. Check out these fail-proof potluck pointers and let the good times roll.

election party planning


Send invitation disguised as ballots, or miniature political signs, or simply announce yourself a member of the “Wine Party” and allow your guests to vote red or white. Use SignUp's free, online potluck SignUps to create a SignUp with the menu listed and then have people sign up to bring food. SignUp will send participants automated reminders and put your event on their e-calendars without you having to man the phones!


This one is easy – stick to red, white and blue. Red tablecloths, blue napkins, white cutlery, you get the idea. Provide tiny American flags to stick into the potluck dishes and tiny “election” signs for people to fill out to identify their food.


Speaking of food, there are lots of great ideas for patriotic dishes. Think Pork(barrel) Tenderloin, “Right” wings,  “Red (velvet) State” cupcakes, etc. You can even do red, white, and blue food – like skewers of red and blue fruits and berries, a parfait of red and blue gelatin layered with whip cream, and blueberries in your Caprese salad. Don’t forget themed cookies in donkey and elephant shapes!


The temptation might be to serve hard liquor, and lots of it, during this election, but it’s usually a long night. So, pour alcohol “conservatively” and sparkling water “liberally.” For a festive libation, layer grenadine, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and blue raspberry vodka in shot glasses and call it “Liquid America.” (The trick to keeping the colors separated is to pour them slowly over an inverted spoon.)


Once the party details are handled, fire up the screens to watch the election results. If that’s a little too much reality for you and your guests, put on patriotic movies like “Apollo 13,” “Top Gun,” or “The Campaign.” Have fun and remember to keep it friendly and light – regardless of who wins in November, we all have to live together afterward!

Election Day potluck SignUp


Simple Tips for Getting Out the Vote

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