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CCGC 2018/19 Volunteer Page

All volunteer opportunities associated with the 2018-2019 year will be found here; including bingo, casino, cleaning, and meet shifts as they become available.  Dates and shifts will be added as appropriate.  Please read details associated with each activity carefully as there are minimum age requirements, fines may be applied for no-shows at Bingo/Casino shifts as per strict AGLC requirements.

There are no requirements for Recreational Families.  Competitive Families are required to fulfill 8 hrs volunteer time at Gym Power (Meet Shifts).  All families are eligible to participate in all volunteer opportunities and will earn account credits as outlined in the current handbook.

When registering, ensure that the athlete's name is provided where required and appears exactly as is does in Jackrabbit (First Name Last Name).

Please note, CCGC reserves the right to add, remove, manage, or alter participants sign ups in the spirit of offering fair opportunity to all members or in response to missed, dropped or irresponsible volunteer shifts.  Please only sign up for 2 spots at a time, you may come back each day and sign up for 2 more spots - this ensures that everyone has an opportunity to volunteer.  Thank you for all your help!

CCGC 2018/19 Volunteer Page

SignUp.com is free thanks to our sponsors: