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How to use Reddit

Post creation

Many Reddit users have been silently consuming content for years, not feeling the urge to add anything of their own. However, more often than not, you will want to insert your own word. To do this, in each subreddit there is an opportunity to add your entry, share a link or a photo. . Also if you don’t want to register you can buy account here https://accfarm.com/buy-reddit-accounts

Unlike forums, on Reddit, the relevance of a post is determined by its rating. This is, in fact, a system of likes, but, like in YouTube, posts can be both "plus" and "minus". This is called upvoting and downvoting. If your post gets a good ratio of upvotes, the system considers it worthy of attention. So from the section "new" the record crawls into the "hot" and "best". If you have posted something really interesting or original, then, depending on the number of subreddit subscribers, it may even crawl out to the main page of the site - and there you are already guaranteed endless "karma" and the attention of millions of visitors.

I will say right away: it is impossible to find a formula that would guarantee a 100% hit. In order for the recording to shoot, the ideal combination of circumstances is required: the relevance of the recording, the correct time, urgency, and so on. Of course, there are various tricks that can only be learned over time. Even really cool content can get lost in the garbage stream. It often happens that your picture passes by the attention of the masses, but when in a couple of days someone posts it again, it will immediately fly to the main site. Try to figure it out.