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ZBCC Street 2:52 Volunteer Board!

Welcome to the online sign-up sheet for all of our Street 2:52 volunteer jobs!  A hard copy sign-up sheet is also available at the church (located in the stairwell on your way up to the toddler room).

If you have signed up as a teacher, your curriculum will be available in the Street 2:52 cabinet located in the foyer of the church two weeks prior to your first scheduled lesson.  Hall Monitors can also find a job description in this cabinet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at street252@zbcc.ca or call Amy Thiessen at 780-218-8013.

On behalf of the kids at Zion, thank you for your continued support!  

ZBCC Street 2:52 Volunteer Board!

SignUp.com is free thanks to our sponsors: