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Sign Up for Services

If you are entering more than one name, click on "SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER PERSON" to add in additional names, and do not increase the number of spots. It is important for us to keep track of each individual name who is signed up. Thanks!

Sign-ups will be available for dates when there is a service at each particular location.

It is required to sign up in advance for every minyan that you plan to attend. And if you do sign up we are COUNTING ON YOU to attend. 

Please come on time. We are a small group and want to start with everyone there. 

If you are not feeling well, please stay home. 

Remember your masks, we will not allow you to stay without a mask. Masks must be worn at all times.

Bring your own siddurim and chumashim. 

No congregating or socializing before or after davening.

Sign Up for Services

SignUp.com is free thanks to our sponsors: