Free eBook: Bake Sale Fundraiser

Coordinating Bake Sales is Easy


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<h3>Top 3 Ways VolunteerSpot makes your bake sale planning easier</h3><ol><li><span class="regtext">Schedule and sign up participants - fast, easy and FREE!</span></li><li><span class="regtext">Save time planning and coordinating (up to 85% faster than clipboards, online groups, phone tag and email!)</span></li><li><span class="regtext">Automated reminders increase turnout</span></li></ol><div class="ebooktext"><hr>If you have an upcoming bake sale fundraiser for your school, booster club, congregation or community group - we're here to help! Our free eBook brings you tips and ideas for making your bake sale a sweet success! VolunteerSpot's free and easy volunteer scheduling software saves time signing up and reminding bake sale volunteers quickly and easily. More volunteers baking and selling, means a more successful fundraiser!<p><a href="/Fundraising-Ideas">More Fresh Fundraising Ideas</a></p></div><p> </p>
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