Free eBook: Low-Cost Teacher Gift Ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week

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<h3>Top 3 Ways SignUp makes parent volunteering easier</h3><ol><li><span class="regtext">Schedule and sign up parents - fast, easy and FREE!</span></li><li><span class="regtext">Save time planning and coordinating (up to 85% faster than clipboards, online groups, phone tag and email!)</span></li><li><span class="regtext">Automated reminders increase parent turnout</span></li></ol><div class="ebooktext"><hr>At SignUp, we love teachers! That's why we've complied this eBook filled with the Greatest Gifts for Teachers. Many are low-cost or no-cost and all show your teacher how much you care. Ideas for winter holidays, Valentine's Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, retiring teachers and more. Signup's free and easy volunteer scheduling software saves time signing up and reminding volunteers for teacher appreciation activities.</div><p> </p>
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