Room Mom's Survival Guide for Back-to-School: Free eBook

Coordinating Parents is Easy


Experience VolunteerSpot yourself by entering your info. below. We'll send you a link to sign-up to help in our sample Kindergarten class. It's super fast & easy and we won't keep your email address...promise.
<h3>Top 3 Ways VolunteerSpot makes parent participation easier</h3><ol><li><span class="regtext">Schedule and sign up parents - fast, easy and FREE!</span></li><li><span class="regtext">Save time planning and coordinating (up to 85% faster than clipboards, online groups, phone tag and reply-all email!)</span></li><li><span class="regtext">Automated reminders increase parent turnout</span></li></ol><div class="ebooktext"><hr>Congratulations for volunteering to be the room mom (or dad) this year! You'll be working closely with your teacher and class parents to give your kids a fun and memorable year. VolunteerSpot's online sign up sheets and calendar sign up forms save time and make it easy to get more parents involved in the classroom. You may be organizing classroom helpers, class parties, teacher gifts, field trips, auction baskets, the snack schedule and more. Remember, most class parents want to help too, they just need to be asked. Our online sign up sheets and sign up forms make it easy to ask for help. With a few clicks, parents quickly choose a shift and what supplies and food to bring. The teacher can quickly see who has signed up and automated reminders help everyone keep their commitments. Please try our live demo (to the right) to see how easy it is to sign up to help using VolunteerSpot.<p>Please also see: <a href="/volunteerspot/ebooks/TeacherGifts">The Greatest Gifts for Teachers</a></p></div><p> </p>
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