
5 Healthy Snack Hurdles (and how to overcome them)

Your mission, should you choose to take it - coordinate classroom snacks for 20 third graders, team snacks for 15 little soccer players and meeting snacks for 10 sweet girl scouts . . . phew! Where to start? How to organize? Who can help? We’ve got you covered with solutions for overcoming all your healthy snack hurdles this season and this school year:

1.  Hurdle: How can I coordinate a healthy snack schedule in a snap without frustrating reply-all emails and last minute phone calls?

  • Solution: VolunteerSpot’s free online sign-ups! With easy, online scheduling tools, team moms, room moms and Scout moms can quickly set up an online snack schedule and invite parents to sign-up (via email, social media). Parents can sign up 24/7 from their computer or smartphone, and automated reminders keep everyone on track! Get started now

2.  Hurdle: How can I keep my awesome team mom rep while providing actual healthy snacks to kids?

  • Solution: Cabot Cheese! Creamy, delicious cheese snacks from Cabot make for super delicious and healthy, calcium-rich snacks kids love. Get some today

3.  Hurdle: Where can I find time in my already busy schedule to shop, stock up and save on team and classroom snacks?

  • Solution: Soap.com! Visit Soap.com and stock up on all the essentials you need for pulling off snack duty – from paper goods, to granola bars, and clean up supplies – Soap.com has you covered. Save big and forget about having to run to the store. Start shopping

4.  Hurdle: How do I find an easy way to pack a healthy lunch without all the plastic?

  • Solution: Blue Avocado re-usable lunch kits! Forget countless plastic baggies and brown bags that rip so easily. Stay stylish and eco-friendly with Blue Avocado's reusable and eco-friendly lunch kits. Get some today

5.  Hurdle: How can I manage all this snack chaos and still provide a healthy family meal at home every night?

  • Solution: eMeals! It’s easy to plan healthy meals for your family during even the busiest weeks with eMeals > find tons of super simple, healthy recipes, manage grocery lists, and more with eMeals. Get started

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