
New Feature Announcement: Flexible SignUps with 'Add-a-Spot'

For some SignUps, it takes a village of neighbors, colleagues and volunteers to identify all the available options for participants, supporters and students to sign up for. We’re proud to announce our new Flexible SignUps with Add-a-Spot, empowering organizers to permit others to add appointments, shifts and needs to their SignUp directly in the Participant view.  

New Feature SMS Text Reminders

This new feature is ideal for:

  • Neighborhood Mutual Aid Groups & Caring Calendars - neighbors and family members wanting assistance can create their own Spots identifying what kind of support they need - whether it’s someone to shop for them, bring dinner, mow the lawn or walk fluffy.


  • Mentoring Sessions - Professionals can add their own appointment times to the SignUp calendar, identifying when they are available to meet with mentees.


  • Tutoring & Office Hours - Teachers and tutors can add their availability and expertise so students can select meeting times to get the help they need.


  • Flexible Volunteer Schedules - Open your volunteer calendar so supporters can identify the time(s) and date(s) they prefer to volunteer so you know when to expect them. 


  • Playdates, Babysitting & Driver Requests - Both parents and caregivers can offer up availability for the other party to sign up for.


  • You Name It - Do you have something to offer your community? Set up a Flexible SignUp with Add-a-Spot and invite your broader community to participate.


How It Works

If the Organizer chooses to create a Flexible SignUp with Add-a-Spot, then anyone invited to the SignUp will see the option on their screen to + Add a Spot for others to sign up. When they click the plus-sign, they will enter the new Spot details which will become visible to anyone signing up.

add-a-spot for participants

Organizers - please see detailed instructions in this help article.

*Currently available when accessing a SignUp on smartphones, coming to large-screen devices soon.