"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
We've gathered best practice tips and ideas for empowering local action and achieving global impact. From organizing neighborhood cleanups to recycle drives, to standing up for the causes you care about and being the most effective activist you can be – SignUp makes it easy to get involved, bring people together, and get help achieving your important goals in your community and beyond.

Tips for Community Activists
If you feel moved to join a protest or a rally, here are some helpful tips.

Get Out The Vote Idea Center
Boost voter turnout and stay organized with these tips & best practices.

Plan a Neighborhood Cleanup
Round up the whole neighborhood with ease for a fun spring cleanup event.

Guide to Successful Mentorship
Get FAQ answers, smart ideas & thoughtful tips (for mentors & mentees).
5 Tips for Getting Out the Vote Best practices for getting organized and helping others get registered to vote.
Organizing Election Day Volunteers Volunteers are vital to an election season – from organizations recruiting supporters for their candidate to registering citizens to vote, to those who get involved with canvassing and volunteering at the polls on election day.
Teens Giving Back to Their Community Find meaningful service projects for your teen or college kid during break

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