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Adopt-a-Family Sign Up

Thank you SO MUCH for Adopting a Family at Safe Shelter this season! See Families below, remember only a maximum of 2 individual agents can sign up for each individual mother/child listed. Family numbers are explained as follows:

# corresponding to family and # corresponding to child number in family (# - #) and name of mother/child.

i.e. #1-0 Faith for mother of family #1, and #1-1 Brandon for child of family #1, 1st child in family,... #1-2 Zoe for child of family #1, second child in family, etc.

SO if your Brokerage wants to adopt a whole family, look for the 1st number before the name. the second number after the hyphen denotes the children in the order listed by their Mom.

Remember it is Recommended that you sign up in Pairs to make the process easier, but each agent of the Pair needs to sign up separately so they get DSS credit! Please read the detailed instructions, this year will be different, but easier because you will get reminders and the process is mobile friendly!

Adopt-a-Family Sign Up

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: