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Horizon Honors Secondary School ILPs
Horizon Honors Secondary School uses an online organizational tool called SignUp.com that helps make signing up for your ILP Conference easy and efficient.
Step 1: Click on the link below for the grade level you wish to schedule your ILP.
Step 2: Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp.com)
Step 3: Sign up! Choose your spot - SignUp.com will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
All Individual Learning Plan Conference (ILP) Days are school days with early release. Students will be released at NOON and must be off campus by 12:05 PM. There will be NO lunch on early release days. Conferences begin at 2 pm and students must attend with their parents. Please be prompt for your scheduled appointment and allow approximately 60 minutes for your child's conference. Sign in for your appointment with the Secondary Office to obtain a visitor’s badge.
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: