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CISV Vancouver Volunteer Positions
Welcome! As a member of CISV Vancouver, you are giving your child a wonderful opportunity to build friendships, acquire leadership skills, and create amazing memories. In conjunction with these experiences comes the efforts (both big and small!) of a friendly group of CISV volunteers. There are a wide variety of volunteer options that are suitable to various skills, levels of responsibility, effort required and time / availability. Scroll through the positions we have available and sign up !
We rely heavily on the efforts of our volunteer community to build a strong and successful chapter. Thanks for joining!
If you have any questions, please email: volunteer@cisvvancouver.ca.
Please note: Past or current involvement with CISV is required for volunteer positions. If you aren’t yet involved with CISV but are interested in volunteering with our chapter or participating in local events, please email info@cisvvancouver.ca
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: