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James Julius for District 45
Thank you for considering volunteering with us! Your involvement is critical to our success on Primary Day, and we're delighted to have you join our team. Here's what you need to know to get started and make the most impact.
Roles as a Polling Place Ambassador: You'll play a key role in:
- Distributing candidate literature to voters.
- Helping voters with the correct spelling of our candidate's name for write-ins.
- Addressing any general queries about our campaign.
Prioritizing Polling Locations: We've pinpointed key polling locations that urgently need support. Focusing on these areas first can significantly boost our campaign's presence and effectiveness.
Optimal Volunteering Times: To leverage our efforts, we're targeting peak voting hours:
- Morning Rush: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
- Lunch Break: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- Evening: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
These are prime times for voter turnout, making your presence exceptionally valuable.
How to Sign Up: The sign-up form categorizes slots by time and location. Select what best fits your schedule, prioritizing our identified locations and peak times. If you're open to multiple shifts or various locations, highlight this in the form's comments section.
Preparation for Election Day: We aim to equip you with confidence and all the necessary information. You'll receive materials and brief training on key points and FAQs before the big day.
Our Thanks to You: Your commitment to our cause means everything to us. Together, we are more than just volunteers; we are a force for positive change in our community.
Your every effort helps propel us toward our shared goal. Thank you for being an essential part of our campaign's journey.
Please sign up and help us make Primary Day a victorious occasion for our campaign!
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: