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Band Booster Volunteer Sign Up

Welcome to the Hamilton Band Boosters!

As a parent or guardian of a Hamilton band student in grades 5-12, you are an invaluable member of our band family. The Hamilton Band Boosters is a dedicated group of volunteers committed to enriching the musical experiences of our students.

Your support is essential to the success of our band program. Through fundraising and volunteer efforts, we provide crucial resources such as travel funds, equipment, and support for our students. Your involvement helps ensure that our band program continues to thrive.

We understand that everyone's time is valuable, and we appreciate your support in any form. From attending our monthly meetings to volunteering at band events, your contributions make a significant difference. Together, we can create unforgettable memories and opportunities for our students.

We invite you to become an active member of the Hamilton Band Boosters. Your participation is vital to our shared goal of fostering a vibrant and successful band program.

The boosters are governed by an Executive Board, and meetings are held the second Monday of each month in the high school band hall. These meetings are for all to attend and help guide the future success of the program. Becoming an active member in our efforts helps promote the success of your children, and helps everyone achieve a higher level of success.

You can find more information about meetings and events on our Facebook Page, Hamilton Band Boosters

 We look forward to your participation and support.

Band Booster Volunteer Sign Up

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: