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Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo 2023 SignUp pages

Join the thousands of people coming out to make a #BikeFriendlyCanada. Your participation in Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo will help us get more people cycling, everywhere. 

Pedal Poll/Sondo Velo 2023 will be happening between June 6-11, 2023  in communities across Canada.

Locate your community below to see the available counting times and locations that work best for you. 

If your community is not listed below, you can still participate! Please review the instructions linked below to learn how. 

Brief explainer video:

Detailed instructions (English): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rHWzR11qujlinlPmdP3sdcDkfX4wFzkpx7TczcM_3B4/edit#

Detailed instructions (French):

Questions or feedback? Email ppsv@velocanadabikes.org

Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo 2023 SignUp pages

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: