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latest update and news of GTA 5 Online

The best game ever Grand Theft Auto series, the best series in gaming history. In Grand Theft Auto 5 online players have a new car and bonus available on PS4 and Xbox one.

Rock-star confirms that Grand Theft Auto 5 available on all platforms players can purchase the Progen Emerus, albeit, at a hefty price.

The new super-car can add to your Grand Theft Auto collection, the cost of $2,760,000.

The latest Casino DLC has new mission to complete, a few players out there who will have reserves to pull of the purchase.

The latest super-car by The Progen Emerus is now in stock at Lengemdary Motorsport.

Grand Theft Auto 5 online players who have purchased the new Casino Penthouse can look forward with great rewards in the future.

Now you can play Grand Theft Auto 5 on mobile. It is available for android, iOS and other platforms such as Xbox, PS4. For mobile download GTA 5 APK and follow instructions which are mention there.

If you are Gold Status which is in the Diamond Program, it is also an additional Grand Theft Auto $50K bonus also playing cards themed Royals Tattoo.  

GTA Online Rewards:

With the arrival of The Diamond Casino and Resort, Time Trial payouts were forever expanded from Grand Theft Auto $60K to Grand Theft Auto $200K. Twofold during this time by grabbing 2X GTA$ and RP on the fresh out of the plastic new RC Time Trials, that implies a cool Grand Theft Auto $200K for effective fruition. Basically head to the new RC Time Trial crown on your guide to consume some minor bits of elastic in your control stature beast truck.

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