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SEO Service

Manage PPC Campaign Services (Pay-Per-Click), manage paid advertisements on Google, Facebook. Making a good add-copy, analyzing similar competitor advertisements so that the impression goes up, your ads are more focused and on target by minimizing the pay-per-click advertising budget.

Jasa SEO Indonesia, needed by business owners who already have various accounts on social media, but have not functioned optimally. Analyzing Facebook Insight, doing post boosts and recommending targeted posts to encourage them to be able to appear on tracking site search pages, especially Google. Optimize your Twitter account, create a verified account (official Twitter account). Twitt using the system and short messages 280 characters are Tweeted by the owner of hundreds of accounts automatically, potentially adding regular followers from the real account.

Video and photo optimization, optimizing videos on YouTube and similar sites, promoting them, increasing views naturally. Manage it to appear on search engine search pages. Choose photos and optimize them, so that the desired image appears on the search site's image page to your liking. Immerse unwanted photo photos.

Run Cyber ??PR or online public relations, manage digital reputation management, organize Google search pages to appear with positive information, fight bullying or submerge oblique news that tends to be detrimental. Tarnish the good name of the company, trademark or someone's name.

SEO Service
