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Fixperts Central

Hi and thanks for getting this far! 

Fixperts is a not for profit organisation and we've always relied on brilliant volunteers to punch way above our weight. But while it took us a year to go from 5 films to 30, it took us just 9 months to go from 300 to 400 films. We need more help!

We always need ad-hoc volunteer help on our film archive and sometimes for events and exhibitions. For core roles i.e. admin, planning or facilitating workshops we always try to pay. 

Volunteering opportunities are posted here on this page, which we promote on Twitter and through our newsletter. If there's anything you see here you can help with - do sign up! We're a friendly bunch, and if it helps get more Fixperts in the world then it has to be worth it right? 

Fixperts Central

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: