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What to do Before Flying with your ESA?

Preparing to air travel with your emotional support dog or another animal? Great! Holidays are important to unwind and to give ourselves a break from the usual life. However, emotional support animal owners do not want to leave their beloved animals behind. 

Travelling with an animal is different than travelling alone or even when travelling with friends. Animals have different needs and travelling with one means that you will have to do a lot of other things. The very first thing when planning to travel with your ESA is to get a genuine and valid emotional support animal letter.

1. Check your ESA letter and if it needs renewal. An emotional support letter is valid for a year only and you will have to get it renewed each year. 

2. Check airline policies. There are many airlines that allow emotional support animals into their planes but they have some restrictions and policies related to them.

3. Book the tickets in advance. After you have read the policies and made sure that your animal is eligible, book the tickets beforehand. 

4. Find an animal friendly housing facility. Emotional support animal  different than service animals and have fewer rights than them. This is why they are not allowed in many public places. Do some research and find an animal friendly housing facility in your holiday destination. Book the tickets as early as you find it.

What to do Before Flying with your ESA?