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59th Annual Country Fair & Auction

Each year, Nampa Christian holds an auction unlike any other. With the help of many dedicated parents, staff and students, our school partners with our generous local community to host an auction that consistently raises more than $100,000 each year. Without raising these additional funds, the families would have to make up the difference with higher tuition fees. That's why this fundraiser is so important to our schools...

We couldn't put an event of this magnitude together without the faithfulness and dedication of our volunteers. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to help this year. 

The 59th Annual Country Fair & Auction will he held February 26th & 27th, 2021

We are also in need of donated items... these can be brought to NCS anytime. Just call Sandy to arrange meeting or pickup of donations.

During the month of January & February please bring your donation(s) to the Auction Office located in the auxiliary gym at the Elementary Campus.  Or Items may be dropped off at the Elementary Office or the High School Office - Or you could call Sandy at (208) 863-2769 

Thank you for your support of our schools! 

59th Annual Country Fair & Auction

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: