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Studio Tenn Volunteering

Thank you for signing up to volunteer with Studio Tenn Theatre Company! Please sign up for shifts you are certain you can fulfill. Last-minute cancellations severely hinder our ability to provide the excellent patron experience that Studio Tenn is known for.

Ushers must arrive 1 hour prior to showtime (1pm arrival for Saturday 2pm matinees, noon for Sunday matinees, 5pm for Sunday night shows, and 6pm arrival for 7pm evenings) for training, and must be able to stay through the entirety of the performance. Ticket scanners must be comfortable using technology as they will scan tickets at the door. Seaters will assist with seating and potentially pass out programs.

Ushers serve as seat-fillers: they can sit in any seats that are left empty for the performance. Please note this is subject to availability.

Please reach out to rachelsteiner@studiotenn.org with any questions, and thank you again for your support of Studio Tenn.

With thanks,

Studio Tenn Theatre Company

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors:
