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How to protect your video

Let's imagine that you wrote quality authoring content, for example, on the analysis of stock quotes and posted it on your site. After that, one of your visitors found the article interesting and decided to borrow it, without mentioning you as the author and, of course, without putting a link to the source site. It turns out that you tried, spent your time, and someone came and appropriated the authorship of the article for yourself. Agree, the situation is unpleasant. What can we say about when content is stolen on a regular basis. At the same time, a thief site can get higher positions in search engines, thereby collecting traffic that could be yours. In the 21st century there are a number of effective measures to combat such fraud and in this article I will talk about the most effective and simplest of them.

Before you run to file a lawsuit against a fraudster, or write to any authorities, it is best to block his source of traffic to the site, which search engines are. Since the preparation of the statement of claim will take a lot of time, and while you get to the court, valuable time may be lost.

The Google Search Console has an extremely useful DMCA Dashboard section, for some reason hidden from prying eyes. Finding it in the interface is not so easy. Once you have access to this section, feel free to proceed with the creation of a new application for removal based on DMCA protection. To do this, in the upper left corner, click on the Create a new application button. Feel free to send an application. Then you just have to wait until the fraudster’s site is blocked and when you type your keyword you can see the next footnote at the bottom of the page. This was the easiest and most important way, which is quite effective and free.