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Blaine Basketball Volunteer's 2018/19

The Blaine Basketball Booster Club is a volunteer parent-based organization whose purpose is to provide support and resources to the Blaine Boys High School Basketball Program.  If you have a player in the program, you are a part of the Boosters.  The Booster Club is the fundraising arm for all the high school teams and is vital to the success of the program. The school district provides limited funds for the program, with the Booster Club funding travel gear, shooting shirts, uniforms, equipment, special event nights, team events, our website, game programs and the end of year banquet.


All parents are invited to attend our monthly meetings.  Meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at Blaine High School.  Please check out the website calendar for dates and locations each month.  

Blaine Basketball Volunteer's 2018/19

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