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SHREK Volunteers 2024
Welcome parents! It takes many volunteers filling several hundred volunteer shifts to ensure the success of the musical each year. We have something for everyone. Please volunteer for as many shifts as you are able.
Hair and Make-Up volunteers help get the cast ready for the stage. No experience is necessary. Yes, even Dads can sign up!
Our merchandise volunteers sell t-shirts and Shrek ears to patrons, as well as take orders and prepare flowers and candy for cast members to get them ready to be picked up after the show.
Chaperone volunteers get to sit down and watch the 'busyness' of the show while keeping our students safe. You can even bring a book to read.
Concessions volunteers will work with our students in the concession booth providing snacks and treats for patrons before the show and during intermission.
Food Service volunteers help keep our students fed during Production Week.
If you are a freshman or sophomore parent, please consider signing up for some chaperone shifts. You get to see what goes on behind the scenes and it's a great way to experience things first hand. We'd love for our freshman and sophomore parents to sign up to volunteer on Saturday so our senior parents can get to watch their students in their last musical performance. It's a 'pay-it-forward' kind of thing.
Thank you so much for your willingness to volunteer.
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: