Step 1
You Schedule
Select a date and create your list of food & supplies
Step 2
They Signup Online or On the Go
Sign Up
Participants choose what to bring and add a comment
Step 3
We Remind
VolunteerSpot sends
confirmations & reminders

Try a Free Demo!

Try live demo signups for schools, teams, nonprofits & more!


Class helpers, carnival, book fair, cafeteria & library volunteers


Tournaments, concessions, swim meets, snack schedules & more.

Faith Groups

Hospitality, ushers, VBS, service projects, meals ministry & more.


Volunteer scheduling, hours tracking, fundraising and more!


Easy signups! Quickly organize people & things - for ANYTHING!

“This was the easiest and fastest method to organize my classroom event!!! Our feast was a huge success! Thank you!” ~K. Dickinson, First Grade Teacher
“Thanks so much, VolunteerSpot! This was my first time using your services, and you made signing up for our party treats so quick and easy! Set up is a breeze, and parents liked the simplicity of signing up. Wonderful!” ~Michelle T., Grade 2 Teacher, Canada
“Great job helping me to organize our church youth group dinner! Using VolunteerSpot made planning easy!” ~K. Ahalt, Youth Leader
“This was the easiest way to organize a dinner for staff at the middle school. All last year I sent my own e-mails for sign up, reminders and thank you's. Thank you for having volunteer spot available.” ~J. Smith, Middle School Educator

Which SignUp.com do you need?

Free Service

  • 365 day calendar with easy planning wizard for shifts, jobs and supplies to bring
  • Participants sign up with a few clicks - no registration required
  • Quick multiday copy
  • Automated email reminders
  • Easy smartphone signup and calendar sync
  • Simple shift swap (for participants)
  • Print sign in sheets, calendar summaries and rosters, export data including basic hours
  • Send thank you notes
  • One activity organizer
  • Collect Contributions
  • iPad Clipboard app for simple in-person sign ups

Premium Subscription

  • Participant hours tracking report
  • 5 customizable activity registration fields
    (e.g., T-shirt sizes, group affiliation,
    teacher's name, child's name)
  • Advanced reporting
  • Up to 10 assistant organizers
    • Up to 30 Participants: $4.99/month
    • Up to 50 Participants: $9.99/month
    • Up to 150 Participants: $19.99/month
    • Up to 400 Participants: $29.99/month

What People Are Saying

VolunteerSpot was a HUGE time-saver for organizing our staff appreciation brunch. No more phone calls, no last minute-running around, and best of all, we avoided 5 people bringing the same thing! We’ll definitely be using VolunteerSpot again and again – thank you!
~Elizabeth S., PTO leader, Atlanta, GA

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See How It Works

See how easy it is for anyone to volunteer using VolunteerSpot's simple, free scheduling software — multiple days, multiple shifts, no problem!

More than 4 Million Volunteers in Service!