
Free, Easy Potluck SignUp Sheets with Reminders

Save Time, Boost Participation & Avoid Duplicate Dishes!

Remember when everyone started bringing hummus and crackers to potlucks? Or those vegetable platters with ranch dressing? Planning the perfect potluck requires some organizing, but it doesn’t have to be hard work! SignUp has everything to help you organize the details of every kind of potluck or covered dish supper.

Online Potluck SignUp

The key to every successful potluck meal is organization and communication. SignUp.com has easy potluck SignUp sheets, event reminders, and checklists to make sure your potluck runs smoothly and without duplication of effort. Participants can sign up with the dish they are contributing, be reminded of their commitment, and prepare for a fun and fabulous potluck meal!

Looking for more ideas? Check out our Potluck Planning Idea Center, full of fun and new ideas to spice up your dinners!


Potluck Organizers: Set up your potluck SignUp in minutes – see how in our video here! 

Online Potluck SignUp Sheet (Participant View): Participants can sign up directly from their smart phones, choose what to bring, ask questions of organizers, and trade notes with each other.  E-calendar sync and automated event reminders help everyone remember their assignments and any particular details the organizer needs to communicate.

Summer Potluck SignUp

Tips for Setting up Your Potluck:

  • Place plates, cutlery and napkins at the beginning of your line so people won’t forget them.
  • If possible, allow for the lines of eaters to flow down both sides of the serving table (speeding up the line)
  • Don’t forget to print out meal tags that specify what is in each dish—very important for anyone with dietary restrictions or food allergies.
  • Place drinks and desserts on a separate table which leaves space at the main entree table, and allows guests to set their plates down before picking up these items.
  • Plan a brief presentation or activity during the meal wrap up that will engage the guests over coffee and dessert. This is a great opportunity to give out informal awards, or acknowledge extraordinary contributions. Don’t forget to acknowledge your potluck organizers and participants!
  • Double check your potluck SignUp sheet. Did you include the following items?
    •   Appetizer
    •   Main dish (with meat)
    •   Main dish (vegetarian)
    •   Green salad
    •   Fruit Salad
    •   Pasta Salad
    •   Vegetable side dish
    •   Breads and rolls
    •   Dessert
    •   Plates, cups and napkins
    •   Utensils and serving pieces
    •   Table cloths
    •   Table decorations
    •   Pitchers for water
    •   Soda or juice beverages
    •   Adult beverages (beer and wine)
    •   Extra folding tables and chairs
    •   Ice

Now that you're all set up, enjoy as your organizational efforts pay off and the perfect potluck meal happens before your eyes!


Free Coloring Place Mats for Your Day of Thanks Potluck

Printable Fall Activity Sheets & Coloring Pages 

SignUp's Potluck Planning Center
