
Baby Shower Planning Checklist

A Step-by-Step Guide to Hosting the Perfect Celebration 

Planning a baby shower can be a fun yet daunting task. Whether you are celebrating a first-time mom or adding to a growing family, hosting a successful baby shower requires careful preparation and attention to detail. To help you navigate the process with ease, we’ve created a comprehensive baby shower planning checklist – we’ll take you step-by-step from the initial preparations to the day of the event, ensuring that nothing is overlooked and the celebration is a joyful and memorable occasion! Pro Tip: Use free online SignUps to collect RSVPs and to recruit helpers.

ladies at a baby shower

8-10 Weeks Before the Shower

Set the Date and Time: Choose a date and time that works for the guest of honor and key guests. 

Create a Guest List: Consult with the parents-to-be to ensure no one is left out. 

Choose a Venue: Decide whether to host the shower at home, a friend’s house, a park, or a rented venue. 

Pick a Theme: Select a theme that fits the parents’ style and interests. 

Send Save-the-Date Notices: Send out informal save-the-date notices, especially if the shower is being held close to a major holiday or busy season. 

6-8 Weeks Before the Shower

Send Invitations: Mail or email invitations with RSVP information. Pro Tip: Use free online SignUps for simple RSVPs and automated reminders for guests! 

Plan the Menu: Decide on the food and drinks you will serve. Consider dietary restrictions. 

Organize Decorations: Order or make decorations that fit the theme. 

Plan Activities and Games: Select a variety of games and activities that will entertain guests –  get ideas here!    

Arrange for Cake or Desserts: Order a cake or plan for other dessert options. 

4-6 Weeks Before the Shower

Order Party Favors: Choose and order or make party favors for guests. 

Create a Playlist: Compile a playlist of background music. 

Coordinate with Helpers: Assign tasks to friends or family members who have offered to help. Pro Tip: Free online SignUps are perfect for simplifying this step! 

Plan a Photo Booth: Arrange for a photo booth or set up a space with props for pictures. 

2-3 Weeks Before the Shower

Follow Up on RSVPs: Check in with guests who have not responded. 

Finalize the Menu: Confirm the menu and make shopping lists or finalize catering details. 

Prepare Games and Prizes: Gather all necessary supplies for games and purchase prizes. 

Confirm with Vendors: Confirm details with the venue, caterer, and any other vendors. 

Prepare a Schedule: Create a schedule for the shower to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

1 Week Before the Shower

Deep Clean the Venue: If hosting at home, thoroughly clean the space. 

Shop for Groceries: Purchase non-perishable items for the shower. 

Prepare Decorations: Make or finalize any DIY decorations. 

Check on Gifts: Ensure that the parents-to-be’s registry information is shared with guests. 

1-2 Days Before the Shower

Prepare Food: Make any dishes that can be prepared in advance. 

Decorate the Venue: Set up decorations and arrange furniture as needed. 

Set Up the Photo Booth: Arrange props and set up a backdrop. 

Pack a Host Kit: Include scissors, tape, pens, a notepad, safety pins, and other essentials. 

Day of the Shower

Finish Up Last-Minute Preparations: Complete any remaining food preparation and set out drinks. 

Set Up Games and Activities: Arrange game supplies and set up activity stations. 

Greet Guests: Welcome guests and introduce them to each other. 

Keep Things on Schedule: Guide guests through the planned activities and games. 

Enjoy the Celebration: Have fun and take plenty of photos to capture the memories. 

After the Shower

Clean Up: Tidy the venue and ensure any borrowed or rented items are returned. 

Send Thank-You Notes: Help the parents-to-be send thank-you notes to guests. 

Share Photos: Share photos from the shower with the parents-to-be and guests. 

Use this checklist to help you stay organized and ensure that the baby shower is a memorable event for mom-to-be and her loved ones!


Click on one of the images below for a checklist that you can save to a device or print. (Pink versions are available, too – simply choose which pages you want to use!)

printable baby shower checklist

printable baby shower checklist page 2


Baby Shower Games & Activities

Special Events Planning Center