20+ Online SignUps for Business
Take Advantage of SignUp’s Free Scheduling Software for Office Use
Office and team management is challenging, especially now that many employees work full-time from home or in a hybrid environment that allows them to choose when they’ll spend time in the office. Whether you’re looking for a way to streamline new-hire onboarding, make scheduling of meetings for employees easier, or keep everyone safe via occupancy management during flu season, SignUp is your solution!
Pro Tip: Freelancers and SMBs, click here to see how we can help with your biz needs, too.

Save time and eliminate stress with free, simple SignUps (no participant login required) – manage appointments, shifts, events, contributions, head counts, and more for your business. Invite participants to sign up at their convenience (24/7) from any computer or mobile device, and rely on eCalendar syncing and automated reminders to keep it all on track.
Streamline all your day-to-day office happenings, as well as special events – use online SignUps to coordinate:
- Employee interviews
- Job fairs
- Staff training seminars
- Lunch and learns
- New-hire orientation and onboarding sessions
- Work badge, fingerprint, and other security-related appointments
- Uniform fittings
- One-on-one Human Resources meetings
- One-on-one manager meetings
- Mentor meetings
- Employee appreciation measures
- Overtime volunteers
- Corporate events
- Annual reviews discussions
- Social events
- Money collection for fundraising or group gifts
- Time slots for conference and meeting rooms
- Reservation for gym time or other special service areas
- Workplace service projects, Service Days, and volunteer outings
- Break room cleaning shifts
- Health and wellness clinic appointments
- Customer and client appointments
- Office occupancy requirements and health-check volunteers
For everything from break room snack requests (employee appreciation) to the annual summer potluck (social events), to giving trees (service projects) and shifts at the local food bank (volunteer outings), to in-office vision screenings (wellness clinics) and money collection for an employee’s wedding present (group gifts) – let SignUp take care of some of the busywork while you focus on more important things for your business!
For more info on how free online SignUps can help simplify your planning process for work happenings, check out our Business Events Planning Center!

You Plan

They Sign Up

We Remind