
Disaster Relief Fundraising Ideas

How You Can Help Those Affected by Natural Disasters

In times of crisis and calamity, disaster relief fundraising serves as a beacon of hope, rallying communities together to provide support and aid to those in need. Passionate about animals? Raise funds for the nearby animal shelter or the local group helping displaced animals. Ongoing supporter of kid-related causes? Fundraise to help the local orphanage in crisis. 

From virtual events to grassroots initiatives, we’re sharing fundraising strategies for individuals, organizations, and communities to unite in solidarity and extend a helping hand to those facing adversity. Pro Tip: Boost volunteer and donor participation with free online SignUps for disaster relief!  

Disaster Relief Volunteer SignUp Sheets

Online Fundraising Ideas

Online Crowdfunding Campaign: Create a crowdfunding campaign on platforms like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or Indiegogo – dedicate the funds to a nonprofit disaster relief organization responding to the disaster or to a family in need. Or raise money to fund your own volunteer efforts, like buying clean water, food, and other relief resources to send to disaster areas. Pro Tip: Sites like Charity Navigator can help you identify responding organizations, and to vet their effectiveness and use of funds.

Social Media Challenges: Create a social media challenge or campaign to raise awareness and funds for disaster relief. Encourage participants to share photos or videos related to the cause and challenge their friends and followers to donate.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Empower supporters to fundraise on behalf of your favorite organization by setting up their own fundraising pages and reaching out to their networks for donations. Many nonprofits, like American Red Cross, have ongoing partnerships with peer-to-peer fundraising platforms like Donor Drive and provide all the info and resources needed! Other nonprofits, like Salvation Army, provide their own toolkits and platform for this activity.

Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with social media influencers, celebrities, or public figures who have a large following to amplify your fundraising efforts. They can help spread awareness and encourage their followers to donate to the cause.

Virtual Fundraising Event: Host a virtual event such as a concert, auction, or talent show. Participants can make donations to attend or participate in the event, with proceeds going towards disaster relief.

Food Bank Garden Volunteer SignUp on mobile phones

Offline Fundraising Ideas

Product or Service Sales: Sell products or services, such as merchandise, baked goods, or virtual classes, with proceeds going towards disaster relief. Partner with local businesses or artisans to donate a portion of their sales to the cause.

Corporate Sponsorships: Reach out to local businesses, corporations, and companies for sponsorships or donations. Offer recognition and publicity in exchange for their support, and emphasize the positive impact their contributions will have on the affected communities.

Community Fundraising Events: Organize community events such as car washes, bake sales, or charity runs/walks. Engage volunteers and local organizations to help with planning, promotion, and execution.

Matching Gift Programs: Encourage donors by offering a matching gift program where a generous donor or sponsor agrees to match donations up to a certain amount. This can incentivize giving and double the impact of contributions.

Corporate Giving Days: Work with local businesses to encourage employee giving via a company pledge to match their contributions, or by organizing corporate fundraising activities in support of disaster relief efforts.

Fundraising Appeals: Send out personalized fundraising appeals via email, direct mail, or phone calls to your supporters, explaining the urgency of the situation and how their donations can make a difference.

Remember to keep donors informed about the impact of their contributions and express gratitude for their support. Transparency and accountability are essential in building trust and maintaining donor engagement throughout the fundraising process.


Free Online SignUps for Organizing Disaster Relief Efforts  

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