
How to Boost Restaurant Fundraiser Turnout & Profits with Social Media

Thanks to our sponsor, Panda Express for this insightful post!

Restaurant fundraisers have become popular in recent years - maybe you've been invited to one where a local restaurant offers a percentage of sales when your group shows up and enjoys mealtime together - it’s a win/win! We love restaurant fundraisers because they’re easy and they're fun for everyone in your group, team or community. Picking a restaurant partner is the first step. We like to partner with Panda Express because they make it exceptionally easy and people of all ages enjoy their casual atmosphere, quick service and tasty Chinese American cuisine!

Ensure your restaurant fundraiser will generate the profits you’re after (and need), and that everyone will show up to support your fundraiser when you get savvy on social!

Boost Restaurant Fundraiser Turnout and Profits with Social Media

More Turnout brings...

More Fun.

More Fun brings...

More Profit, right?

So, it’s imperative that everyone you know in your broad community comes out to support you and your school, team or group. Here’s the (social media) path to success!

Create a Social Media Plan

Prepare a 3-week social media plan so that people know when and how to help spread the word about your fundraiser. Even if your formal social media accounts don’t have that many followers, recruit friendly helpers who are already active on social media to join your event ‘Buzz Team’. Their added participation and amplification gives you a bigger social media footprint for building excitement and participation in your fundraiser.

Your plan, for both you and your Buzz Team, should include:

  • A timeline of when to post
  • Which social channels will be involved (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest - where is your community active?)
  • Sample messages to share
  • Who will be sharing & what will they share
  • How to measure social success (how many posts, reach, which channels got the most shares and likes.)

Generate Pre-, During and Post- fundraiser BUZZ!

Socializing your message during all three time periods is absolutely key to achieving high event turnout and success for next time too!

Pre-fundraiser Buzz: Alert your community of the upcoming event (and your cause) and get them excited to attend! Posts that state the time, day and location are important starting 3 weeks out and getting more frequent up to the day before the event. Decide on a hashtag (#) themed for the fundraiser and use it to support your communication and tracking. After you’ve kicked off the initial posts in your group’s social media feeds, ask your Buzz Team to like, share and repost to amplify your message.

Lunch with friends AND $ for our school! Mark your calendars for our Sept 5th Panda Express Fundraiser (Central Sq. location). 20% of event sales go to fund our new scoreboard! #DelishDonation #Score4ourSchool

Family FUNdraiser: Join us at Panda Express (Central Sq. location) this Fri.! 20% of event sales go to fund our new scoreboard! #DelishDonation #Score4ourSchool

Neighborhood Night Out: Please join us at Panda Express (Central Sq. location) this Fri.! 20% of event sales go to fund our new scoreboard! #DelishDonation #Score4ourSchool

During Buzz: Ask your Buzz Team to actively share the fundraiser in their social media feeds all throughout the day of the event. Tagging the school or group’s page makes it easy for others who may have forgotten about the fundraiser to get a gentle reminder in their feed.

  • Remind your group leaders and members to ‘check in’ at the restaurant location on Facebook, Snapchat and other social media sites.
  • Encourage folks to post photos of the delicious food and their family and friends enjoying it.
  • Make a backdrop (large poster) with the school mascot, cause logo, or team colors. Add a fun hashtag for the event and encourage participants and patrons to take a selfie in front it and share.
  • Maybe take a snapshot of that tasty Orange Chicken you’re eating and post it as a last minute reminder to community folks that are hungry! (Maybe nudge a friend or two at the event to do the same!)

Supporting the new Science Lab 4 @EastElementary! #PandaExpressFundraiser Right Now! Join me @ Central Square. #DelishDonation #$cienceHappensHere #Yum!

Taking my besties to Panda Express (Central Sq. location) for lunch today! 20% of event sales go to fund our new science lab! #DelishDonation #$cienceHappensHere

What’s for Dinner? Join us at Panda Express (Central Sq. location) right now! 20% of event sales go to fund our new science lab! #DelishDonation #$cienceHappensHere

(photo of family in the car) Heading 2 Panda Express (Central Sq. loc) 4 dinner - join us! 20% of event sales go to fund our new science lab! #DelishDonation #$cienceHappensHere #CooksNightOff

Post- Buzz: Celebrate your fundraising success and tell your community how much money you raised for your sports team or science club. Tell them about the impact you’re planning to make with their support and thank them for attending. And last but not least, thank your volunteers for helping you pull it off!

$2,000 raised in 1 day! THANKS for participating in our Panda Express fundraiser #DelishDonation #$cienceHappensHere

Thank you, Volunteers - Panda Express fundraiser success! $1,500 raised for the new scoreboard #DelishDonation #Score4ourSchool

Exceed your fundraiser goal this year when you boost turnout and profits with social savvy methods - get the word out!

Get more ideas and tips in the Panda Express sponsored webinar on boosting turnout and profits here.

Have questions about booking your Panda Express fundraiser? Click here.
