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RPCS 1st Quarter PTC SY 24-25

Welcome to the RPCS In-Person Parent Teacher Conferences for K-12. PTC will happen in-person on Wednesday, September 11th for Elememtary & Thursday the 12th for Secondary, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Instructions on how to SignUp for PTC with your child(ren)'s teachers.

  1. View the teacher's SignUp lists below to find your child's teachers.
  2. Click on (View) to see available spots.
  3. Click (Sign Up) for the spot you choose.
  4. Enter your Full Name, phone number, and your child's name.
  5. Click (Save and done).
  6. Click (Save) at the top of the page.
  7. Click (Go back to all SignUps) toward the bottom of the page.
  8. Repeat steps 1-8 to SignUp with other teachers.

A confirmation Email will be sent to you. SignUp spots will be locked after 10 a.m. on the day of conferences. Walk-ins will be accommodated.

If you have any questions, you may contact Family Partnership Coordinator, Mr. Sanchez (928) 659-4607 or email him at Andrew.Sanchez@rpcsaz.org.

RPCS 1st Quarter PTC SY 24-25

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: