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Retreats and Faith Life - Social Justice

Each Junior spends two days with their Social Justice class at St. Anthony Foundation, Up On Top, and The St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco's Tenderloin District. 

In solidarity with the poor and elderly, students witness first hand the difference they can make putting their faith in action as they deliver meals to the home-bound, sort donated non-perishable food items & clothes for distribution to the poor and needy. They prepare and serve lunch in the St. Anthony’s Dining Room. This is a powerful and memorable experience for our eleventh graders.

This is an overnight retreat. Students and chaperones arrive at 6:45am on the day of the retreat and will return the next day before 3:30pm. 

There is a lot of walking for this trip and sleeping will be done on the floor or on sleeping mats. 

Retreats and Faith Life - Social Justice

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