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MMOG Basketball Work Bond Program

Make sure you are signing up for the correct program based on the basketball program your child is signed up for.

Visit https://www.mmogcyo.com/work-bond/ for information about the work bond program.

Welcome to the MMOG CYO Basketball Volunteer Scheduling through SignUp! This is a fantastic website which makes signing up to help out SIMPLE! Keep in mind that spots are listed on a first-come, first-served basis, so your ideal spot may be full before too long. As always, thank you for your help! Here are the instructions:

1.  Click on the link below which will take you to the SignUp website.

2. Enter your email address at the SignUp website. This ensures that only you can sign yourself up for a volunteer shift.

3. Open the email that is sent to you and click the "Sign Up Now" link.

4. Confirm your email on the SignUp site.

5. Pick which date / shift you want to volunteer for and then Press Save / Close.

6. Click on the Confirm button on the top of the screen -- please enter your name, e-mail and phone number so we can reach you in case there are changes to the schedule. Don't Forget to Click Confirm

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors:
