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Beaumont Blitz Fastball Volunteering
If your child is registering for the 2020 regular season with Beaumont Blitz there will be a volunteer commitment per family. Please volunteer to help our fastball girls have a successful season with low registration fees and quality training!
How fulfill your volunteer commitment:
Provide a postdated cheque for $150 to your team manager by April 15, 2019
- Payable to Beaumont Blitz Fastball Association
- Cheque Date: June 15, 2019
Sign up for your required volunteer hours by April 15, 2020, as it is part of the registration, so without this, your registration will be considered incomplete.
- Oldest Child is in U10 or older - Sign up for 6 volunteer hours/family minimum
- Oldest Child is in U8 - Sign up for 3 volunteer hours/family minimum
- Volunteer! Our girls depend on your help to make sure this season is a success. It is important that you follow through with your volunteer commitment.
- What do I do if something comes up and I can no longer volunteer?
- If you cannot attend your volunteer position, you may swap among parents, or find another person who would like to fill your spot. Contact your team manager if this is for UMP or Game set up.
- What happens if I do not fulfill all of my volunteer commitments?
- If you do not fulfill your volunteer commitment, your cheque will be deposited.
- What do I do if there are no volunteer spots available?
- More opportunities will become available. Check back in the new year. All volunteer positions will be posted by Season Registration Date.
Volunteer spots listed below:
- Select the category for the area you are interested in volunteering in.
- Select hide filled spots to see available opportunities.
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: