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SFS Parent-Teacher Conferences Th 2/15


Please sign up for 10-minute IN-PERSON time slots to conference with your children's homeroom teachers, allowing for adequate travel time between children.


CHANGED FOR THIS YEAR:  St. Ferdinand School has grown by 30% over the past few years and our class sizes are bigger than they used to be! THEREFORE, IF YOU HAVE A JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT AND WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO HIS/HER OTHER SUBJECT AREA TEACHERS, PLEASE REACH OUT VIA EMAIL TO THOSE TEACHERS TO BEGIN AN EMAIL DIALOGUE, ARRANGE A PHONE CALL, OR PICK A TIME TO MEET THAT WORKS WITH THAT TEACHER/GROUP OF TEACHERS, MOST LIKELY OUTSIDE OF CONFERENCE DAY.  There are just not enough time slots on Conference Day for Junior High teachers to meet with all of their homeroom students' parents AND the parents of those students they may only see for 1 period per day.  Thank you for your understanding.

You may return to this site, as needed, to reschedule/add onto your chosen conference times, i.e., suddenly add other conferences with "specials"/non-homeroom subject teachers, until Friday, February 9, at 8:00 AM, when on-line scheduling will close. Homeroom teachers will then start scheduling unscheduled homeroom families for times still available.    

If the date and times available are not compatible with your schedule, please email the teachers with whom you would like to meet so that a different time may be planned.  

You will receive email reminders from the office, sign-up.com, and teachers as the conference date approaches. 

We look forward to conferencing with you to discuss your child/ren's progress!

SFS Parent-Teacher Conferences Th 2/15

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