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2019 BeltLine Lantern Parade Marshals!

The Krewe of the Grateful Gluttons needs a terrific Marshall team again! Hey, it's our 10th year! We need a bunch of fun folks to keep safe space around our bands and the big Krewe puppets and lanterns. 

You get a cool Lantern Parade Marshal shirt designed by yours truly! You get foam glow sticks! And, you get to walk with the rockstars! Straight up, it is crowd control. You must be kind and alert and be willing to say things like, "No, honey, you can't walk through the band." It'll be fun!

There are four sign-ups titled by band. Note: The last section with the Black Sheep Ensemble has double duty as the Gatekeepers at kick-off! Big fun! You'll get to see everything!

Call is 6:30pm at Irwin Street at the Eastside Trail on Saturday, September 21. The Parade Marshall's Happy Hour Orientation in Tuesday, September 10, 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Krewe's Den in Grant Park. We count on the folks who come to orientation to lead the groups. We will send y'all the address as it gets closer!

Parade Game Book, route, and FAQ's are at https://art.beltline.org/lantern-parade.

Thank you so much for being on the Krewe's Parade Team!


Chantelle Rytter + Krewe of the Grateful Gluttons

2019 BeltLine Lantern Parade Marshals!

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: