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Ashfield Public School P&C

Ashfield Public School P&C is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of our children with Events, Fundraising or other initiatives. We often require volunteers to help make our dreams a reality! 

Your volunteering doesn't need to be onerous - you can volunteer for a little bit of time or for a whole event! It's completely up to you. There is no pressure and no expectations on you.

We held the inaugural Ashfield Community Market in August 2023. Since then, we have held three more markets with the hope of making this a permanent event held quarterly.

We are looking for people who can volunteer their time to help us with the event - photography, social media, website help, design, muscles to help set up and pack up (basically anyone!)

If you can help us in any capacity, please let us know. 

Ashfield Public School P&C

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: