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2024-2025 Service & Rel Ed Events
Religious Education AND Parish AND Community fundraisers:
Fundraisers for the SOTH and SMC Religious Ed programs Are you in rel ed this year? PLEASE, choose us and help teach, aid, monitor the hallways, set up, coordinate, run, assist, develop, sell, and support our program via Youth Group (Oct.-April), the St. Matt Santa Breakfast (Dec.), Faris Popcorn Sale (Oct.), Shepherd Mardi Gras Family Event (March) and *Coffee House Sundays at SOTH (all year) All these events help directly fundraise the parish Religious Ed programs.
ADDITIONALLY there are events that others ask our families to help with like Parish wide events. Are you in need of Parish Service Hours? This page is also filled with OPTIONAL sign-ups for the year for both St. Matthew and Shepherd of the Hills. Each event will have the main contact person listed under the event information if you have more questions. Note: These events are NOT directly coordinated by the Rel Ed Office. Please contact the person listed with your questions.
Community Events, Are you in need of service hours for school or to help reach your 30 hours for Confirmation? The contact names are listed in the information for each of these events. The events below are OPTIONAL service opportunities. For more Community Service opportunities please consult the guidance office at your school etc. Note: Rel Ed does not directly coordinate any of these events. Please reach out to the event organizer with questions.
ALL can be found on this Group Page! We do our best to edit often!
ALSO, found on this Group Page are various Youth Group Events including Youth Group Nights where SEE Adult help and teen help needed AND Mission Trip events like info nights, fundraisers anyone may help with mission fundraisers looking for service hours!
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: