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Alchemy 2024 Volunteer Sign Ups

We are so excited for this year's Alchemy!  But we can't make it happen without you, the heart of the burn.  Sign up for volunteer shifts today.  You'll have fun, meet so many wonderful people, and be an essential part of making Alchemy safe, clean, and joyful.

We need many more people for perimeter duties!  Please sign up so we can burn stuff!

Please come back to sign up for more!  Other critical positions that still need to be filled include: APW, Gate Support, Parking, Rangers, Sanctuary, and Teardown.


  • All volunteers get an awesome bandana that you can decorate and customize (while supplies last, at Volunteer HQ). This bandana gets you free access to starting new conversations and looking pretty darn suave.
  • Complete 8 hours of volunteering, or 1 critical shift: get 1 full-price reserve ticket for next year's event
  • Complete 10 hours: get a Swag Grab Bag (pickup at the Volunteer HQ)
  • Complete 16 hours: get 1 half-price reserve ticket for next year's event
  • Complete 20 hours: get specialty swag made by Vy and Sydney!
  • Complete 24 hours: get 1 free reserve ticket for next year's event
Alchemy 2024 Volunteer Sign Ups

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: