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House Rabbit Society of SE PA-DE

The heart of the SEPA-DE House Rabbit Society is its volunteers. Every week, several volunteers help make the shelter a better place through work crews at the shelter or working on other activities for the shelter. But more volunteers are needed to help with activities so we can assist those bunnies at the shelter and hundreds more. We are looking for volunteers to...

Assist with Work Crews: Work with dedicated teams who clean the shelter and its habitants' cages. Requirements are to not mind getting dirty on a Saturday and to graciously accept affection from the bunnies! 

We ask that anyone over the age of 16 please sign up here for the date you are coming so we can plan accordingly. Please indicate in Comments if anyone under 16 is accompanying you. 

Please also indicate if you are unable to stay until 2:30 when we finish.

Thanks in advance!

House Rabbit Society of SE PA-DE