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StandUp for Kids - Atlanta Chapter

Welcome to our Volunteer Sign-Up Page!

Before signing up for a volunteer slot that has direct youth interaction, you will need to attend a Volunteer Training and have a Background Investigation completed. If you are interested in School Mentoring Kelly Fields (kellyf@standupforkids.org) or Jackie Perkins (jackiep@standupforkids.org) will reach out to you after you complete Volunteer Training.

We appreciate your willingness to StandUp for our most vulnerable kids in your own way. Together we can make a difference!

**Are you signing up for your 1st night of Street Outreach?**

Please sign up for a Wednesday night of Outreach first with Nikki, our Street Lead, for your 'On the Ground Training.' Afterward, you can sign up for any day that works for your schedule! We ask volunteers to go out at least 2x month consistently for 6 months**

StandUp for Kids - Atlanta Chapter

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: