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Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo 2024 Sign Up Pages
Thank you for signing up to participate in Canada's national bicycle count.
Please locate your community below and sign-up for the count time(s) and location(s) that work best for you.
If your community is not listed below, you can still participate! Please review the resources linked below to learn how.
📆 Selecting your count date: You will note that the SignUp pages list Tuesday, June 4 and Saturday, June 8 as the weekday and weekend count dates. These are the ideal count dates, but if the weather is poor or you are unable to count on these days, please conduct your weekday count on Wednesday the 5th or Thursday the 6th and conduct your weekend count on Sunday the 9th.
Questions or feedback? Email ppsv@velocanadabikes.org
SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: