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Wells Branch Elementary PTA

Here's your one-stop shop for PTA volunteer opportunities! Here you can:

- indicate interest in an event by signing up on the Volunteer Interest sheet. We'll contact you when events draw near.

- sign-up up for a current volunteer opportunity. You'll get automatic confirmation and reminders!

Thanks for checking-in! Please check back frequently throughout the year! 

Stay informed: - Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/wellsbranchpta - Visit the PTA Website: wellsbranchpta.org Important note: If you have not yet done so this year, please be sure to submit the required RRISD Volunteer Application as soon as possible, it can take up to 2 weeks and you cannot volunteer on campus without it (exception is Spring Fest). Online Application link:  https://hrsapp.roundrockisd.org/workspace/

Wells Branch Elementary PTA

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: