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St. Mary's School PTO

Welcome to St. Mary's PTO Signup Page!

Here you will find volunteer opportunities for PTO sponsored events for the 2023-2024 school year. Volunteering is a fun and engaging way to connect with our school community, while helping to support the fundraising efforts of our PTO! 

The PTO oversees numerous events and activities that bring our families together, strengthen our community, and bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the operating budget for our school. Click on the events below to learn more about the PTO activities planned for the year, and the ways in which you can get involved. For questions about these signups, or to learn more about St. Mary's PTO, email pto@stmarys-boise.org

Thank you for your support in advancing our school's mission and helping to ensure the best possible environment for the education of St. Mary's students. 

Go Spartans! 

*Please note: St. Mary's School relies heavily on volunteers to conduct its many activities in and out of the classroom, and could not operate as it does without the continual involvement of its parents and other volunteers. Each family is asked to contribute 25 service hours per school year in support of St. Mary's School, 5 hours of which must be related to fundraising activities.

St. Mary's School PTO

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: