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CCA On Campus Volunteer Opportunities

A parent/guardian's volunteer time is a special gift to our school community that provides many benefits to our students and teachers and administrators. The strength of our school community relies on the partnership of CCA Wendell Falls school staff and families.

Each school year, families are asked to contribute a minimum of 20 volunteer hours (30 if you have 2+ students). Most of these volunteer opportunities are "on campus" and require a background check and SafeSchools (Vector Training) online training. There are also some "off campus" opportunities that do not require a background check or training.  

We use Signup.com for recording volunteer hours and listing volunteer opportunities. When you sign up for a "spot," please be sure to provide your contact information along with your carpool number and student name.

2-Step Process to become an "Approved Volunteer" to help in the school building:

1.) Email Ms. Pearce as kpearce@ccawendellfalls.org and request a background check link be sent to you. Complete the application online (CCA does NOT receive the background check report). Once the background check is processed, Ms. Pearce is notified if you are approved or not and then she will send you a message

2.) Go to : https://charterschoolsusa-chartersafe.safeschools.com/register

Enter registration key: a496ee98 - create an account then complete the 3 training modules. Each module is about 25 minutes. Be sure to download the Certificates (all 3) showing you finished the training and email them to Ms. Pearce.

CCA On Campus Volunteer Opportunities

SignUp.com is free thanks to our sponsors: