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Anoka DeMolay and MN DeMolay Events

We use Signup.com to organize the Anoka DeMolay chapter. We appreciate you taking the time to sign up for the events you intend to participate. If you wish, you can sync your signups with your other calendar and you can signup for multiple recurring events at once. 

We will utilize this and other social media outlets to distribute messages and updates about events, so signing up here will help you stay in the loop. If you have an update or addition for Anoka DeMolay, please email anoka@mndemolay.org

Anoka DeMolay Tuesdays meeting rotation:

1st Tues: Committee Meets and Fun 7pm in Chapter Room of Anoka Lodge.

2nd Tues: Stated Business Meeting 7pm (button-up w/tie is desired, but optional) at Anoka Lodge

3rd Tues: Planning Meeting 7pm in Chapter Room of Anoka Lodge.

4th Tues: Fun Event 7pm either Anoka Lodge or off-site; check www.AnokaDeMolay.com

5th Tues: Member and Prospect outreach, socialize and eat snacks 7pm at Anoka Lodge. In-person Advisory Council Meeting.

Anoka DeMolay and MN DeMolay Events

SignUp is free thanks to our sponsors: