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WGTN Children's Hospital Appeal 2024

Event Date: Saturday, 5 October 2024

Any of us who have had the experience of a sick child who needs hospital treatment, knows how traumatic that can be. And with 85,000 visits to the children’s hospital from children across our region and beyond every year, they’re counting on us for a brighter, healthier future.

The Street Appeal is a major fundraiser, and we simply couldn't do it without your help.

Select Your Collection Area:

Please choose the area that best suits you below. You'll find available collection points and times listed. Each collection slot is 2 hours.

Bring Friends and Family:

While one person is sufficient for each collection point, bringing friends or family makes it even more enjoyable! Let us know if we can provide them with bibs, buckets, and stickers too!

On the Day:

A Foundation team member will coordinate your collection area. They’ll ensure you have everything you need and will get in touch before the appeal.


If you have any questions before the event, please contact us at streetappeal@whf.org.nz.

Thank you again for your incredible support. We couldn't do it without you!

Warm regards,

The Wellington Hospitals Foundation Team

WGTN Children's Hospital Appeal 2024

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